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The new structure will provide for better control over fulfilling the mission of the organization which is to better inform and educate industry on export controls and sanctions and ultimately help protect International Security. The non-profit structure did not offer that same control and therefore created opportunity for others to misuse the platform to self-promote which impedes the organization’s mission of protecting international security.
A Public Benefit Company provides a positive social impact through the creation of a charitable, cultural, economic, and educational environment that provides guidance through innovative programs and purposeful events. In our case, the organization fulfills this mission in the area of export controls and sanctions by creating a responsible and sustainable positive effect on a multitude of areas impacting International Security. As a Public Benefit Organization, we are held accountable to these objectives by way of reporting our progress to the Secretary of State.
Our core purpose and mission will remain the same under the new structure. We remain dedicated to our worldwide stakeholders and membership network to enhance compliance with export controls and sanctions, while collaborating with industry and government to protect international security.
The change in structure of the ISECS from a non-profit to a Public Benefit Corporation will have no effect on a member or their membership.
At this time, the ISECS does not offer "certifications." There is no government organization in the world currently requiring "certifications" in order to qualify as a practitioner of export controls and sanctions compliance, or sponsoring the offering of certifications (with the exception of the Government of Sweden); therefore, certifications are not internationally recognized as being "official." In nearly every case, certifications are considered to only be "industry-led." Over the last two decades, there have been numerous instances in which government has used certifications, or certificates, as proof of "knowledge" in prosecuting subjects of investigations for violating export controls and sanctions regulations.
You may contact the any Sanctions and Export Control Society in the network for guidance.
Governments add entities to their proscribed parties lists, such as the Entity List (EL), Unverified List (UVL), Specially Designated Nationals (SDN), for a wide variety of reasons. Removal from these lists can be challenging and costly, often relying on addressing the reasons why an entity was added to these lists. Unfortunately, these reasons are not generally stated. For guidance on how to pursue a removal from a blacklist, you may contact the Board of Directors of any Sanctions and Export Control Society in the network.
Since the language most used in international business is English, English will be the official language of the societies. Some functions sponsored by each national society can be conducted in each national language.
© 2023-2024 International Sanctions and Export Control Society, a Division of ECSA Group, LLC –
a Delaware Public Benefit LLC - All Rights Reserved.